
Company Name | Weingut Josef und Maria Reumann GmbH (Winery Josef and Maria Reumann)
Company Business | Wine-trade

Austrian Registration number (VAT) | ATU71885702
Commercial-Register number | 463600s

Jurisdiction for the Commercial-Register | Commercial-Register Eisenstadt
Head Office | Neubaugasse 39, A-7301 Deutschkreutz,  Austria, tel.: +43 / 2613 / 80421, fax: +43 / 2613 / 80421-4,

Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce | Member of the Chamber of Commerce Burgenland,  Section Wine-trade
Chamber of Agriculture Burgenland | Member of the Chamber of Agriculture Burgenland
Supervisory authority / Trade authority | Regional court Eisenstadt

Business Occupation | Master firm
Concession by Austrian State | Examination for Master craftsmanship Austria 

Information for online-claim settlement | Consumers shall file any complaints with the EU Online Dispute Settlement Platform: Please not, you may also address complaints to the above mentioned e-mail address. 

Digital implementation| digibond, Advertising Agency & IT Services